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The book below is a tour of Western Australia
This is my welcome book |

Click on the book to take a tour of my favourite WA site |
This is a panorama of Perth City |
Taken by me from South Perth |
This is Perth by night |
Reflections on the Swan River |
Hello fellow internet surfer and welcome to my homepage.I'm
very glad that you made it this far...and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more
about me and my life.After all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real,vivid,and long
lasting-and maybe that will be true of us.
August 12th 2004 updated. My name is Val.
I was born in Manchester England but from the age of three lived in Blackpool, Lancashire. My maiden name was Grimshaw.My
Father was a very well known musician who travelled the world with his music and went by the stage name of Jack Jumel.I was
a dancer and also used the family stage name as did my cousin who lived in Winnipeg Canada until her death in May 2001 .
In 1957 I married Alan and we have four children, Dean, Lee, Ross and Tracy.We came out here in 1967 and are now Australians
having loved this country from the moment we arrived. Alan was known as a carpenter/joiner in England but out here he was
classed as a cabinetmaker and he was a senior technician working at Murdoch University in Perth W.A.until July 2001 when he
retired.For twenty two years I was self employed with my own courier business delivering flowers for various florists around
the metropolitan area of Perth.
I then became a courier/clerk and driver and until February 2000 worked for a large freight
company here called DHL Worldwide Express.I then retired.
Our children are all married now and did it in order of age.First our eldest Son
Dean married Linda, and they have two children,a boy Jason Lloyd who is twenty three, and a girl Jemma Louise who is twenty.They
also had another Son Darren Rhys who would have been twenty but sadly he died of cot death at ten weeks old.
Then Lee married Jenni and they have three children, Matthew
John who is twenty five,Jake Alan who is sixteen, and their Daughter Caylee Marie is twelve.
Ross is married to Chrissy and they have Daniel Benjamin. who is twelve.
Last but not least our Daughter Tracy married Dean and their Son Kobi Rhys is nine and Taj Brodie is seven.
I guess that the best-and-fastest way to really get to know me is by discovering what I like
so here goes.
Apart from my Grandchildren I enjoy my dancing,computer,writing, reading,gardening,sewing,knitting and scrapbooking and genealogy.
I don't get to play much sport these days but I like Roller and Ice Skating,Golf,Cycling, Swimming, Bush Walking.I used to
play Tennis, Badminton and Squash. These days it's a case of the mind is willing but the flesh is weak .I went back to Roller
Skating after a break of fourteen years but had to give it up again due to a bad back. I have been trying to persuade Alan
to go Boot Scooting or Line Dancing as some call it, but he won't be in it.
We joined an organisation called the Peel Seniornet which
is in Mandurah Western Australia and it focuses on Computer learning.As well as the learning we have regular outings and morning
teas.I have become very interested in Digital Photography and will post some of my pictures later.I am now the Secretary of
this club so I keep busy.
I am an Elvis fan from way back and I have an extensive collection of his records and memorabilia.I used to be co-president
of the Elvis Fan Club of W.A. and in 1980 Alan and I toured some of the States and included a week in Memphis where I presented
a couple of gifts to Uncle Vestor for Lisa Marie and received a very nice letter from Priscilla on her behalf.
Apart from my Elvis collection I also collect plates and sculptures mainly of endangered species of animals.My favourite animals
are horses, elephants and tigers.
I hope to be able to put movement and music on to my site before too long but I am still in the learning process and to be
quite honest haven't a clue right now although I have a collection of midi files.
STOP PRESS: I have just learned
how to put the music in here.Watch out for it in the following pages.
More news.In January 2005 I found a fantastic new dance avenue.It is called Beat the Feet and is run by two terrific teachers
who entertain us as well as teaching us exercise and routines.The music is wonderful too and brings back many memories.It's
fifty years since I danced and this has now taken pride of place in my list of interests.We do some shows in the local community
and this year 2006 we are putting on a special performance with lots of very upbeat dancing which I didn't realise that I
was capable of
Click here to visit the University where Alan worked